Mount and blade warband necromancy mod
Mount and blade warband necromancy mod

Battle Couple: Once the player character is high enough in the necromancy's mastery, it's possible to summon a demonic lover (Respite for a male player characters, Nepenthe for a female player character), who then gives some stat buffs as long as he/she is inside the party.A very intelligent detective who is also very skilled in gun fighting. An Axe to Grind: Choosing to be a former murderer makes the player character begin the game while carrying the Axe of the Black Cat, a two-handed axe which inflicts 60 damage points per hit.Then a message appears saying that all life on the planet has been wiped out and the player is redirected to the main menu. If the player speaks to the Bloodfountain while carrying the Infinity Stone, the player is forced to give it the Infinity Stone. According to the Great Artificer, the destruction of the Infinity Stone could cause the end of the world. Doing this grants the player character free stat points and a unique helmet. Given the setting, it would make the protagonist being a Pragmatic Hero at best. You'd still be allowed to loot graves, eat corpses, and raid villages though. Most of the new companions would be impossible to hire, too. It means that neither the Necronomicon nor crafting nor neither undead or demon summoning would be available. To be more accurate, it is a Self-Imposed Challenge which requires to reach level 30 without talking to the Bloodfountain. Anti-Hero: The player character becomes one if he stays out of necromancy for enough time.

mount and blade warband necromancy mod mount and blade warband necromancy mod mount and blade warband necromancy mod

And I Must Scream: Fortunato is the ghost of a nobleman entombed in a crypt beneath Praven.

Mount and blade warband necromancy mod